Only in Japan! Terrifying Facebank is a penny’s worse nightmare!

We’ve seen some really weird gadgets that can be found Only in Japan! But not only is this one weird – it’s frankly terrifying! Meet Facebank..

The money-hungry coin-chewing little robotic fellow is created by Japanese designer Takada. It features a colourful but distressed Muppet-like face stretched over a wedge-shaped box, and as bizarre and creepy as that is on its own – this is still far from your standard innocent money box.


Facebank has motion sensing eyes which react to penny proximity. Teasing it by dangling a shiny penny before it will send it into a state of salivating coin-lust with its mouth pulsating as the little fiend disturbingly eyes the dosh. Popping the penny in its mouth will satisfy his hunger as he chomps down the silver with a vacant, yet absolutely frightening look in its eye.

The Facebank is aimed at all ages, but we’re not sure we’d put a child through the trauma of being confronted with this evil little dude – or if we did those pennies saved would have to go on some serious counselling later in life!

If you want a scary way to save cash the Facebank is available in a variety of colours including baby blue, red, white and a brick texture for $79.99 at

Don’t blame us if it decides to chew your fingers off..

Did you see the realistic iPhone 4 hand covers? Another of our frightful finds – Only in Japan!

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