Kinect Star Wars trailer forces its way online prior to E3 launch!

The Star Wars Saga well and truly comes alive with Microsoft’s Kinect in the new trailer appearing online prior to the E3 launch!

The Kinect Star Wars title will be the first of its kind to use the ultra-sensitive motion and gesture sensor as control. As a Jedi-in-training swing your hands to control a light saber, force push groups of enemies, participate in a pod race, wrestle a rancor or guide an X-Wing via your Xbox 360 with Kinect in scenes from the Lucas-created galaxy far far away which are detailed and recreated in interactive scenarios taken directly from the movies accompanied by the thrilling original soundtrack.

The online clip reveals a lot of action from the enviroments we remember from the prequel trilogy (Episode 1-3) and a few familiar situations pop up from “Return of the Jedi” – so we presume that the whole saga will be faithfully Kinect’d when the game finally is unleashed!

Check out our Gaming Weekly article for all the weeks coverage of news, previews and trailers from the gaming community!

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