Larry Page Spotted Sporting Specs in Support of Google’s “Project Glass”

Google’s CEO Larry Page has appeared at the London-based Zeitgeist event sporting the company’s new mechanical monocle and showing off the “Project Glass” AR hardware for the first time in the United Kingdom.

Currently just a prototype, Google’s goggle will eventually display Augmented Reality content through its single lens and will bring up information and notifications from our Android smartphones right before our very eyes – or eye as is the case here. Unfortunately the Page was unable to share much of the gadget’s proposed features with the audience but he did manage to snap a photo by tapping a physical button on the eyewear’s arm.

Talking to the London “Googlers” at the annual Zeitgeist (“spirit of the times” – Big G’s end of year review) the CEO addressed some of the past year’s product launches and accomplishments including Google+ and Google Navigation, the Google Chrome web browser and NFC payments through Android – all the while wearing the somewhat silly one eyed sharing his optimism for the future.

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