Video streaming offers a great selection of movies, all in the comfort of your own home, and now it seems that even the most hardcore video streamers will have even less trouble getting hold of their favourite titles, as Amazon Prime has assimilated LoveFiLM Instant, to form the fused Amazon Prime Instant Video service.

Although this update, which is rolling out on the 26th of February, will hike up the price of Amazon Prime from £49 to £79, Amazon have been hasty to point out that this price increase would not only be cheaper to pay than both services combined, but also the combined fee will allow customers to access both the extensive features and media provided by LoveFiLM and the discounts and other perks provided by Amazon Prime, meaning media enthusiasts can’t go wrong for the price.

Existing LoveFiLM customers won’t see any real changes, apart from obviously the change in streaming provider, which they will still be paying monthly for. However, Amazon is offering the service on a yearly payment option for the price of £79, which obviously, you only have to pay for once per year. Existing prime customers won’t pay the new price until they have to renew their membership at the end of this year, plus Amazon are doing a special offer for the next week which includes the service for the original price of £49, so anybody who picks it up quick enough can reap the new benefits at no extra charge.

So if you Love FILM, you could be in for some Ama-zon new benefits. I am the funniest blogger alive.

The new service will be updated over the old service on Wednesday 26th, with LOVEFiLM Instant apps also being updated on iOS, Android, Xbox One and Sony PS4