Lovefilm app for Nintendo Wii U goes live – GamePad streaming available

Nintendo has once again teamed up with Amazon’s Lovefilm streaming and DVD service, this time to create a brand new Wii U app for the new console that will allow subscribed customers to stream TV and movies directly to the new console as well as manage their Lovefilm account.

Last week Nintendo launched the Nintendo Wii version of the service on its consoles but now the Lovefilm app on the Wii U has now been launched. The app has been present on the Wii U consoles since it was initially launched but from today users can actually access and manage their accounts (or sign up and set up) after turning the device on and running a small update on the app for activation.

The app on the Wii U is far from a direct port of the Wii version, as with the GamePad controller users will be able to search for titles, browse for information on the video currently being played whilst the movie or TV show itself is streaming in HD on the main screen.

Additionally, if you want to please the kids but still watch the football, you can stream the video content directly to the GamePad controller, leaving your TV free to be used for something else

This operates similarly to how SmartGlass functionality works for the Xbox 360 console where users can view additional information on a game or streamed content with the aid of a smartphone and the SmartGlass app.

Lovefilm is a premium service that offers both streaming and DVD/Blu-ray postal rental and accounts start from as little as £5 per month.