LOVEFiLM drops games rental service – Focusing on Film and TV

LOVEFiLM has announced a major change in its service today as the Amazon-owned company has revealed that they will soon be stopping the video game rental aspect of the rental service to focus on entertainment with TV and films. The company will no longer be taking on new customers with a games rentals service as announced in one of their FAQ questions.

The company has removed the games aspect of the rental service from the website and a keen eyed customer brought this up with them, asking: “I can see games on the website, but how do I rent them?”

LOVEFiLM responded with: “We are no longer offering games rental packages to either new customers, or those who wish to change from a non-games package.

“In order to give the best possible service that we can, we are looking to focus on our strength, which is providing the best selection of film and TV content for our customers, and making it available whenever and wherever you want it.”

So straight from the horse’s mouth, LOVEFiLM is ditching games in favour of movies, TV and streaming!

It’s going to be a bit of a shock to the large amount of subscribers who are currently on the games rental service and use this as a way to play their games, but it’s looking like subscriptions will be changing very soon (with no new games to select it’s going to have to!) and we suspect some customers will take their money somewhere else.

We at Gadget Helpline also suspect that the retreat from the gaming rental market would have started with the Xbox One’s DRM issue that Microsoft has recently backtracked on, which if it was successful, would have killed the games rental market anyway.

LOVEFiLM have been putting a much bigger focus on its streaming and TV content in the past year, but we’re sure the games back out will still be a shock for many.