MagPi Raspberry Pi Computer Community Magazine Launches

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If you’re a fan of the new Raspberry Pi – perhaps you have it on order, maybe just received it, or are thinking about getting one – you may want to take a look at a new publication that has just launched, which is packed with all the info you need about the tiny affordable computer.

Now, for anyone who is not familiar with the Raspberry Pi computer, I’ll give you a quick summary. The Raspberry Pi foundation was set up with the intention of offering an affordable computer which can be used in Schools to help teach basic computer science amongst students. However, the affordability of the Raspberry Pi has meant that it has become a much sought after gadget for developers and enthusiasts a like. There is two version of the computer, one that costs around $25 and the other with the added benefit of network connectivity that costs $35. The specification of the Raspberry Pi is similar to that of an entry level smartphone currently available on the market.

And now, after the first batch of 10,000 units have started to be delivered to customers who pre-ordered the Raspberry Pi back in March, a new publication has launched which goes by the clever name MagPi. The magazine is a community led magazine and will cover everything to do with Raspberry Pi. It is written with all user levels in mind, and its hoped that over the next couple of months will feature a wide variety of articles which will include how to set up the Raspberry Pi, code tutorials and much more.

So, if you want to check out the first issue of the online magazine, make sure you head on over to the MagPi website and fill your face with Raspberry Pi.

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