Major Apple iTunes Change-up Coming – iCloud Integration to be Key

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Apple iTunes is set to get a major overhaul and redesign later this year if supposed Apple insiders are to be believed, according to Bloomberg who have stated the information.

Bloomberg is reporting that the change-up will be coming to optimise the new iCloud features that have been slowly growing over the past year, plus new improved search and sharing capabilities for the download and management service.

The plans to overhaul iTunes would mark one of the largest changes to the world’s biggest music store since its 2003 debut, with the music software taking some ideas and changes from a few rival products such as Spotify and We7, and integrating social and sharing features to the service.

Since iTunes’ invention the software has pretty much single-handedly changed the face of how music is purchased, distributed, created and tracked as the download era has taken off surrounding the product and many similar softwares.

The service itself is more than just a media downloader with its iPhone, iPad and iPod management and access to apps and updates – it’s essential to any Apple purchase.

Alongside the 28-odd million songs available, there are also 650,000 applications on board the service and 45,000 movies available, but with online streaming services recently taking away the spotlight from iTunes a move towards streaming and purchasing could be on the cards for Apple and its iCloud service.

It has been said that Apple has been encouraged to start a streaming/subscription service for its users from music labels to mimic the success that sites like Spotify have been receiving so hopefully this could be all part of the change-up to iTunes.

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