Mass Effect 4 Confirmed by Bioware Executive Producer’s Tweet

Following the release of popular and controversial action role-player Mass Effect 3, a tweet from Bioware executive producer Casey Hudson has confirmed the future arrival of Mass Effect 4.

Hudson tweeted from his personal account that his company is in “the early stages of designing a completely new Mass Effect game” and learning well from the negative fan reaction to the last game’s shock closer, he ask followers “What would you like to see in it?”

For those who don’t know, the current and third instalment of the story-based sci-fi shooter arrived for Xbox 360, PS3 and Windows PC back in March and it’s ending caused plenty of uproar amongst the legion of gamers who have devoted hours of gameplay leading up the grand finale. The backlash actually caused the developer Bioware to return to the drawing board to write new scenes supporting and explaining the climactic scenes with a free to download extended ending.

After a big shake-up at Canadian based Bioware, with its two founders leaving last year, the future of Mass Effect rests in the hands of Casey Hudson and it’s believed his Mass Effect 4 project will be the start of a new storyline and this will take the franchise into a whole new direction. It will also be the first in the series not to feature Commander Sheppard as the main playable character and will utilise the Frostbite 2 engine first used in Battlefield 3.

There’s no confirmation on when the game will become available, or when we might get to see it in action but if history repeats itself we should hope for a first sighting at next year’s E3 in June ready for a release in early 2014.

As for Mass Effect 3, its seems there’s still some life left in the threequel, with a trilogy pack now available and Wii U release on its way. There will also be a new downloadable storyline called Omega, which will focus on alien gangster Aria and this will introduce a number of new characters. The new content will become available for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Windows on the 27th of November with the PS3 version arriving a day later.

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