Mortal Kombat DLC for Xbox 360 delivers 4 deadly new Kombatants

MORTAL KOMBAT!!! – will receive a bundle of DLC for Xbox 360 tomorrow when Warner Bros unleashes it’s “Season Pass” for the recent reboot of the popular arse-kicking franchise.

Following up from previous “Klassic Skins” package, four new Kombatants are set to debut through the new DLC. Starting with fighting female Skarlet – who is sure to be a popular one amongst male gamers – she slices up the kompetition and looks dead good doing it.

This character got a first outing at the E3 conference earlier this month and gamers have been eager to get to grips with her deadly charms. Now’s your chance!

After Skarlet will come new additions Kenshi and Rain – as well as a yet to be announced challenger. These will surface in the coming months and are available through the “Season Pass” for 400MSP for a single fighter – or all four for 1200MSP – a bargain to get the blood-pumping!

In addition to the new characters come a couple classic outfits for cyborg battlers Cyrax and Sektor as well as a “Compatibility Pack” which will keep the game running smoothly with all these killer goodies coming from Warner Bros Games and Nether Realm Studios to your Xbox 360 – No word yet if the DLC will hit Playstation 3.

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