Mozilla unveils Firefox interface concepts

If you’re a fan of Firefox you may be interested in knowing that Mozilla have just unveiled a selection of concept layouts created by their designers, which may feature in future releases of the popular browser.

Take the concept above for example; you can’t help but notice similarities to Google’s Chrome browser which may have had an influence on the design, although on closer inspection you can tell that Mozilla have taken their own approach on various elements of this design.

As you’ll also be able to see from the concept below, the search box has been removed and instead is now located in a dedicated search & address bar.  Similarities to the Chrome browser can be seen with the rounded tab pages at the top, although what sets it apart from Chrome is that when a tab has been selected any other tabs fall away into the background, which actually looks quite good.

If you’re interested in seeing all the current concepts for Firefox, you can head on over to the Mozilla website.

Also, don’t forget to let us know your thoughts on the concepts by leaving us your comments below, or if you prefer you can tweet us @Gadget_Helpline.