MWC 2012: HTC One X Smartphone Announced as Flagship Model

HTC has signalled a new era in its smartphone business by announcing the new ‘One’ series at 2012’s Mobile World Congress. We’ve shown you the One S and One V, and now it’s time to meet the flagship model in the range; the HTC One X.

The One X is the biggest of the trio, featuring a large 4.7-inch touchscreen, yet maintaining a very slim figure. The display itself is of the ‘Super LCD’ variety, and it pumps out a HD resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, which looks fantastic.

Just like its stablemates, the One X runs on the latest version of Android software – version 4.0 aka Ice Cream Sandwich. HTC likes to add a little customisation to its phones, and has opted to include a new version of its Sense user interface – again version 4.0. Also like the One S and One V, Beats Audio technology is built in, signalled by the red logo on the back of the device. HTC has expanded upon the Beats Audio software so that it improves sound quality across the board, even for third party apps such as Spotify.

Continuing with the ‘Superphone’ theme, the One X packs a very impressive camera on the back. It’s a backside illuminated 8-Megapixel sensor with a low aperture rating of f/2.0, and the lens is a wide 28mm. All of this means that the One X should take beautiful photos, and cope fantastically well in low light conditions. As has become the standard for smartphones nowadays, the camera also records video in Full HD 1080p quality.

HTC has ensured the One X will run everything you throw at it by placing a Quad-Core processor at the heart of the phone, which is Nvidia’s popular Tegra 3. They’ve also opted to make some changes in the way of card support – swapping SIM for Micro SIM, and doing away with Micro SD support. Instead, the phone has 32GB of internal storage, and if you need to expand upon that, you could always take to the cloud and use HTC and Dropbox’s free offering.

UK network Three has already confirmed that it will be stocking the One X, though prices haven’t yet been confirmed. You can expect most, if not all, UK networks to be stocking this beast in the coming months.

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