Nintendo 3DS “Classic” Aqua Blue Gaming Gadget to be Retired in Japan

Little over a year after it first went on sale Nintendo’s “classic” Aqua Blue 3DS handheld will be quietly retired in the near future according to a statement on its maker’s Japanese website.

No timescale is given, but the fact remains clear from the translated information that Nintendo intends to cease production on the original style 3DS portable soon, at least in Japan for the time being, making way on the miniature market for exciting new colours such as the recently announced Cobalt Blue, as well as previously released Mystic Pink and Flame Red variants.

We’ve also seen a selection of exciting customised consoles emerge since the gaming gadgets launch in March 2011 including the “snakeskin” Metal Gear Solid edition, Super Mario Land 3D “Ice White” tie-in and our favourite, the Legend of Zelda themed 3DS – with stone black finish and gold trim with Triforce symbol emblazoned on. It’s truly epic.

However, despite Nintendo’s now impressive spectrum of colourful 3DS gadgets they still haven’t nailed those bugs which have plagued the device since launch. We hate to repeat ourselves, but despite the numerous rereleases the much-desired second thumb stick has still eluded us, only available through that bulky and unsightly Expansion Slide Pad – which looks more like a third-party bodge job rather than an official Nintendo add-on.

We don’t find it a huge problem but it’s still something that needs a look at really soon and we’d happily have a bash at Super Mario Tennis Open on the Midnight Purple 3DS when both are launched here at some point after the May 20th U.S launch.

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