First look at Nintendo 3DS add-on joystick appears in Japanese mag

With Nintendo’s handheld 3DS console up against the ropes, fighting for its life with an ever-growing list of gamer complaints, one of the issues has now been addressed – the addition of a much-needed second joystick.

Nintendo has talked of a redesigned 3DS featuring 2 thumb-sticks and a 3D reducing filter, also a purchasable attachment for the ‘original’ 3DS which would add the second stick. Now a picture in a Japanese publication reveals a bulky looking outer sleeve featuring – basically – a ‘bit that sticks out of the side’ with a smaller right-hand thumb stick on it. It frankly looks terrible, but will effectively deliver the desired two-thumb control and is suited to many of the Nintendo 3DS titles currently available.

The grip casing also appears to cover much of the 3DS, most likely adding to the device’s weight, making it not that portable anymore, but leaving the shoulder buttons, earphone and rear ports reasonably accessible.

Similar Japanese accessories have surface in the past for Nintendo consoles and have never seen an overseas launch, but with hope this add-on might reach frustrated western gamers soon and hopefully in a much-more desirable form.

Famitsu magazine scooped a first look at the “Expansion Slide” which is presumed to be an official Nintendo “secret weapon”. However, we don’t think this botched effort looks anywhere near legit – unless Nintendo is desperate to get a quick fix out there to save its flailing portable. We should hear more truth on this gadget at the Tokyo Game Show next week.

With no knowledge of the nation’s language we unfortunately can’t confirm the details of the scanned article. Any Japanese readers out there – hit us up!   

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