Nintendo NFP Toys to Debut for Super Smash Bros. on Wii U

The recently announced NFP – Nintendo Figurine Platform will be compatible with the highly anticipated new addition to the Super Smash Bros. series, the games maker has revealed today.

Set for launch in Q4, NFP will introduce collectable physical toys into Nintendo playtime – firstly on the Wii U home console and later on the 3DS handheld both of which feature NFC – Near Field Communication. It’ll work in a similar fashion to the popular Skylanders and Disney Infinity brands which currently lead the market for crossover software and toy based products.

The more figures purchased the more enhanced and diverse the NFP gameplay experience will become and a number of games featuring familiar characters were promised to be developed by Nintendo as compliant with the new hardware that the company aims to establish as its own unique platform and which will connect through the Wii U GamePad’s inbuilt NFC to unlock exciting new content.

The news today offers an huge potential range of collectable figurines since there will be such a vast selection of playable characters in the new Super Smash Bros. which will be released for Wii U in late 2014 – which might give us an idea of when the NFP itself will go on sale.

Veteran characters and fan favourites include will be Super Mario, brother Luigi and Bowser – as well as the recently announced Ike from Fire Emblem and even Sonic the Hedgehog will be involved in the frantic fight action for the very first time.

Nintendo may look like it’s desperately trying to gain lost profit where possible, and the introduction of NFC may not be the salvation the company needs to make up for its Wii U woes but we’re among those Nintendo supporters who are hoping that with Super Smash Bros. and the Nintendo Figurine Platform that they come out fighting for one more round.