Nintendo President apologises over Wii U release issues, promises new update in late December

Nintendo’s Wii U console is now out and selling by the bucket load, but it has been far from a straightforward release as the console has been plagued by numerous issues including Wi-Fi connection problems and a huge update that is needed upon the console’s startup.

Many have found that upon getting the Wii U a lengthy download and issues with the Wi-Fi have really marred what is supposed to be an exciting time, and with the potential of thousands of consoles currently sat under Christmas trees across the world the issue will be more apparent from December 25th onwards.

However, Nintendo is aware of the issues and President Satoru Iwata has acknowledged the console was a little sluggish in switching between apps, and that the long update needed to get online wasn’t exactly ideal.

The Wii U went on sale on November 18th in the US, November 30th in Europe and Australia, and December 8th in Japan. Immediately from the launch users would need to install a software patch to get online which sometimes wasn’t possible as they needed to be online in the first place to actually download the update!

Satoru Iwata has appeared in a video on the company website where he 

acknowledged the issues and also apologised for the low stock of the Wii U Premium bundle  in Japan, saying stocks were being replenished every week.

He also stated that he “feel(s) very sorry for the fact that the purchasers of Wii U have to experience a network update which takes such a long time, and that there are the services which were not available at the hardware’s launch.”

Additionally, Satoru Iwata has spoken out before a video for the forthcoming Dragon Quest game where he has said the next system update is due late December and it should see to some of the speed issues on the console.