Nintendo Says We’ll Be Surprised by New ‘NX’ Console – Aussies Start Preorders

In a recent meeting to announce Nintendo’s shock move into mobile gaming, the company’s worldwide President Satoru Iwata dropped another bob-omb when he teased they were also working on a new dedicated gaming platform codenamed NX.

Also See: Nintendo Teases New Console Called NX

The focus on this occasion was Nintendo’s new business alliance with smart device app/game developers DeNA and not a great deal was said about the NX console – it was more in passing reference to assure us that Ninty hasn’t given up on producing its own hardware. What was revealed is that it will be a “new hardware system with a brand-new concept” and will co-exist alongside the current Wii U, 3DS and a soon-to-launch premium membership scheme for mobile users.

Also See: Nintendo Enters Mobile Gaming Alliance with DeNA

Further stirring the pot, Iwata was interviewed by Japanese business source Nikkei this week and said that Nintendo’s next console will come as a surprise. In quotes translated by Kotaku he says:

“However, if you only expand upon existing hardware, it’s dull” – clearly not wanting to dwell on the haphazard relaunch of the Wii brand with the Wii U in 2012 and Iwata adds “In some shape or form, we’re always thinking about how we want to surprise players as well as our desire to change each person’s video gaming life.”

The last surprise presented players with the Wii U and GamePad which Nintendo admits was a launch too heavily focused on showcasing new hardware but offered less in the way of software to justify it or an explanation of how the user interaction experience would work. This consumer confusion cost the company some early profits that they are just now starting to bounce back from thanks to the highly marketable amiibo figure/gaming platform.

Also See: Nintendo Figurine Platform Officially Unveiled as ‘Amiibo’

Nintendo’s NXt offering may not be available for a year or more, and there’s nothing to suggest that manufacture has even begun. But this hasn’t stopped one retailer in Australia opening up the pre-ordering for the new Ninty model.

EB Games is a nationwide chain in the country with 380 stores running, which is slightly more than UK retailer GAME and the company announced via Facebook  that it was ready to take gamer’s money the moment Mr Iwata let slip the console was in development.

Unsurprisingly, a release date nor a price were given..

Sources: Kotaku, Nikkei