No Siri for iPhone 4 – More proof that Apple is done with 4th gen gadget?

After reporting yesterday that Canadian network TELUS will not be restocking its original iPhone 4 16GB model after the current supply is depleted, an outspoken blogger at Apple has said that voice command software Siri will not become available on last season’s iPhone 4 – thus further backing the idea that fifth generation iPhone 4S will become the standard.

Apple blog-man Michael Steeber states that the company “currently have no plans to support older devices” with the personal assistant application for iOS 5 not set to make an appearance on the successor model iPhone – much to the disappointment of early owners who were eager to get their chat on with their Apple smartphone.

Steeber continues, saying putting it simply: “Engineering has provided the following feedback regarding this issue: Siri only works on iPhone 4S” – the general theme of the blog, and the feeling we get from Apple’s recent attitude towards the fourth gen is that the iPhone 4 is no longer in focus, so no effort will be made to port the voice software across. This comes despite Apple aficionados and tech-heads suggesting that the bugs preventing Siri’s backwards compatibility aren’t that hard to fix.

Are you an iPhone 4 owner disapointed by the news of Siri’s absence on your gadget? Will you be upgrading to the benefits of an iPhone 4S? Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.