Nokia CEO Promises New Windows Phones Within 3 Months

With months passing after announcing their strategic partnership with Microsoft, the pressure is firmly on Nokia to come up with the goods soon and announce a range of Windows Phone smartphones.

Nokia CEO Stephen Elop is keen to keep the industry interested, and has spoken to Reuters and stated that we’ll see the “first products based on Windows this quarter”. We’re now into the final quarter, Q4, of 2011, which means Nokia’s first Windows Phones will be announced before the end of the year.

Nokia’s big annual event, Nokia World, is coming up in London at the end of this month. Though we may not be able to buy Nokia’s first Windows Phone-based smartphones this year, we’re certain that the company will officially announce them at this event.

The fact that Mr Elop used the term “products” (plural) has got everybody wondering also. We’ve known about the ‘Sea Ray’ smartphone for a long time, which is almost a cert for Nokia’s first device. However, we’ve also recently spotted specifications for two other Windows Phones, the Sabre and the Ace. Could Nokia be planning to announce three new Windows Phones at Nokia World?

Nokia World will take place at the Excel Centre in London between October 26th and 27th, and we’ll be bringing you the latest news on all things Nokia over both days.

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Via: Reuters