Nokia hands over Symbian OS to Accenture

Nokia has finally severed its ties with the longstanding Symbian operating system by signing over the fledgling OS to Accenture.

As of October of this year, Nokia will hand over all development and support of the Symbian software to Accenture and will no longer be the software’s sole supporter. This doesn’t mean that all Nokia Symbian devices will suddenly stop getting support, as part of the agreement is that Accenture will keep developing the OS ecosystem until 2016.

Nokia will also be supporting all the latest Nokia Symbian handsets and Nokia CEO Stephen Elop has also stated that an additional 10 Symbian powered handsets will be coming over the next 12 months with older Symbian OS getting the new “Anna” update later this year.

Nokia has in the past year been very keen to convert its devices to the new Microsoft Windows Phone 7 operating system after falling profits and losing favour with the smartphone market, so the selling of Symbian is a large step towards a new Nokia.

Should Nokia just let Symbian go? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on our Official Facebook page.