Nokia Hints at Slimmer Windows Phones with PureView Camera Tech

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The smartphone with the biggest camera sensor of all time is about to land in the UK, and it seems Nokia already has plans to take the impressive camera tech and put it in future Windows Phones.

We’re talking about the PureView 808 of course, which was revealed earlier in the year at the Mobile World Congress, packing a whopping 41-megapixel sensor. The phone was really a proof of concept for Nokia, and as such it uses the company’s Symbian software rather than the more up-to-date Windows Phone 7 that it has firmly adopted for use with the new Lumia range.

However, Nokia is already looking at ways of implementing the PureView camera technology into other phones, including future Lumia Windows Phones. The PureView 808 is quite a chunky phone due to the huge 41-megapixel sensor, and so Nokia wants to put it into thinner, more attractive phones.

Nokia’s Vesta Jutila, who is in charge of marketing for the PureView 808, says that new phones featuring the PureView tech are already on the agenda. He also says that it could implement the tech in “multiple ways”, a statement which could link to the camera tech as well as the superior audio recording capabilities.

Slimmer phones are also being considered by Nokia, although the sensor size may drop to something less ridiculous to fit into a smaller frame. The current standard seems to be 8-megapixels, which fit fine into super-slim phones like the HTC One S and Motorola RAZR. If Nokia could top this, they could lead the pack when it comes to cameraphones.

The Nokia PureView 808 launches in the UK at the end of this month, and we’re looking forward to taking some super high resolution snaps with it.

If you fancy getting your hands on one, why not check out our “Compare Phone Prices” tool for the best Contract, Pay As You Go and SIM free deals by clicking the tab above.

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Via: Engadget


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