Nokia to share Ovi Maps & other services with Samsung for Window Phone

Nokia have revealed at the Open Mobile Summit in London that a navigation system utilising its Ovi Maps will appear on Windows Phones made by Samsung suggesting nothing is off-limits when it comes to the Microsoft “and friends” venture.

Is a new special friend entering the relationship?

Chief Stephen Elop says Nokia is open to letting Windows Phone manufacturers make best of any tech and services the company have to offer to help out the special relationship with Microsoft – which was announced back in February.

During an onstage Q&A the chief was asked whether Samsung, rival manufacturer, would get advantages in future Windows Phone wares to which Elop replied “Absolutely, I sure hope so, that’s very much the intent”.

“It’s about the Windows Phone eco-system, heavily contributed to by Microsoft, by Nokia and others.” He adds “We are going to fight like rivals with Samsung…at the same time Samsung is a provider of windows phone devices…we encourage and want to see them in the Windows Phone environment”.

The statement is somewhat bizarre considering the two companies regularly butt-heads in the bustling Android handset market but appear at harmony when it comes to the Windows Phone ventures – a strange alliance indeed.

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