Nokia and Vuzix partner to develop next-gen transparent video eyewear

Video eyewear experts Vuzix have announced a partnership with Nokia, in which the two companies will pool together their expertise to create a futuristic set of video eyewear with see-through lenses.

Vuzix have been creating video eyewear for some time now, and are considered by many to be experts in their field. The company produces video eyewear for the consumer market that have the style and appearance of a pair of stylish sunglasses, yet contain the tech to play video images from a connected device right in front of your eyes, giving the effect of a 60-70-inch screen.

However, while wearing the video eyewear, you’ll always be looking at the screen. We’ve often thought how good it would be to somehow flick a switch and be able to see through the lenses, as if we were wearing normal sunglasses. Nokia has been developing the technology to do this sort of thing for the past decade, and now the opportunity has arisen for it to be implemented into Vuzix eyewear.

Nokia has developed see-through Exit Pupil Expanding (EPE) technology to a very high standard, which if added to Vuzix eyewear, will make our futuristic gadget dreams come true. Sunglasses-style video eyewear that you can see through while watching a movie – it sounds so awesome, doesn’t it?

“We believe that Nokia’s EPE technology solves a long missing piece in the NED business for creating sunglass-style video eyewear.” said Paul Travers, Vuzix President and CEO. He added, “Integrate this Nokia technology with Vuzix’s advanced display engine developments with partners like Fraunhofer IPMS, and we expect to be able to offer the video glasses that Hollywood and Sci-Fi writers have only been able to imagine.”

Exciting sounding stuff, we’re sure you’ll agree.

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