NVIDIA on-board for Windows 8 – New ‘Superman’ chip on the way

Chip-maker Nvidia has pledged its allegiance to the Window 8 platform. Revealing details of a Developers Program and looking to a super future of the team-up Microsoft.

The existing Nvidia divisions – GeForce, Tegra, Tesla and Quadro – will all still be relevant and accessible to the new Microsoft operating software and the SDK will cater for these brands. Offering tools and utilities for developers eager to get to grips with the new OS.

The fantastic four will soon be joined by a new range of comic-inspired ARM processors chips, including ‘Kal-El’ (Superman’s birth-name), Wayne (Bruce aka Batman), Logan (X-Men’s Wolverine) and Stark (as in Tony, better known as Iron Man).

Mike Angiulo Corporate VP of Windows planning says “Developers are at the forefront of this transition. Microsoft values Nvidia’s leadership in providing tools to the community.”

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