Facebook’s Paid Service to Make Posts Popular for Businesses & Attention Seekers

Facebook announced yesterday its latest scheme to make a few extra quid off of developers and mobile software downloaders by introducing an App Center for social sharing and promoting of social games and tools at cost. Today it’s been revealed that Facebook are also looking to monetise its service through our everyday status updates by trialling a paid service in New Zealand that will allow us greater promotion of our rants and ramblings!

New Zealand was also first to trial the Timeline profile design after it went public and the latest scheme is perfect if you’re looking to promote a business or service, or even if you’re a little bit of an attention seeker Facebook will happily take your money to make sure members of your Friends List pay attention to your all-important postings by paying a fee from as little as 25 pence up to £1.20 for News Feed dominance boosting the item to the top of page or highlighting it on pals’ scroll.

In honesty, we’ve spotted an annoying “Featured Stories” box featuring sponsored adverts and product pages appearing at the top of our Facebook news feed which has been coming and going for the past couple of weeks and thought very little of it.

The ads appear infrequently with little relevance to any of our interests but now we believe that they might be the trialled service already in effect. If you’ve noticed these yourself drop us a comment or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.