Peaches Geldof Flips Baby While Taking a Call on Apple iPhone

Most of us have experienced a momentary lapse in concentration when focusing too hard on our smartphone instead of where we’re going or what we’re doing. But for most of us these mishaps extend as far as stepping in a puddle or walking into a lamppost whilst texting – creating tales that can be retold for a good old laugh with mates. However, rock-star spawn and ‘journalist’ Peaches Geldof might have just dropped the ultimate phone clanger of all time – Ever.

Whilst taking a stroll with her five month old son Astala Dylan Willow Geldof-Cohen (of course), Band Aid mastermind Bob Geldof’s daughter was ‘papped’ talking on her Apple iPhone with the little lad in front in a pushchair. With attention totally buried in her convo, the young mum lost control of the cart which was caught on camera flipping over, complete with the tot – legs in the air, colliding to the ground, leaving him sprawled on the ground.

Images courtesy of Gotcha Images

The most shocking part of this terrible situation might be that not once did Geldof put down her phone to properly tend to the baby. The Apple gadget remained wedged between her ear and shoulder as she retrieved the tot with an effortless attempt to comfort him while making sure her conversation continued uninterrupted. Rest assured, the iPhone was not damaged in the incident.

Images courtesy of Gotcha Images

We’d like to think our Gadget Helpline readers are a bit more responsible when it comes to the common sense part of being a smartphone owner and this very public and sad incident highlights the importance of that. Sometimes the consequences aren’t always as funny as a walk into a glass door (or unwittingly encountering a bear) and in some areas of the United States there are actually padded lampposts to protect negligent ‘text-walkers‘. In other places it gets a little more serious with on-the-spot fines issued for those caught doing it.

We’ll lighten the mood slightly and open this up for some reader confessions! Do you have any embarrassing phone related incidents? Share them in our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group!