UPDATED: Phones 4u and Samsung Planning Something Big for 30th March

It looks as though Phones 4u and Samsung are up to something. The mobile phone retailer has just plastered its Oxford Street, London, branch with the above Samsung logo, date and ‘coming soon’ teaser.

What could be coming soon from Samsung on the 30th March? We’re sure many of you are immediately thinking Galaxy S III, which would obviously be the best outcome of this event for us gadget lovers. Phones 4u and Samsung have both kept quiet about the date, and we’re only wiser thanks to somebody taking a sneaky shot of the store’s windows just after the signs went up.

While it’s fun to be hopeful for the Galaxy S III, we have to remember that Samsung has a host of other new devices that have already been announced and are waiting to hit the UK market. We have second generation models of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and 8.9 as well as the Galaxy Note 10.1 in regards to tablet devices. As for smartphones, the Galaxy Beam, Galaxy Ace 2 Plus, Galaxy Ace 2 and Galaxy Mini 2 are soon to launch in the UK.

With that said, if we cast our minds back to October of last year, the very same Phones 4u store had an exclusive launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note, so it’s used to handling big products. If the 30.03 date on Phones 4u’s window is the launch date of the Galaxy S III, we should expect the phone to be announced before then, which leaves today, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for an event, of which we’ve seen no mention so far.

The date contradicts the one shown on a recent leak of a dodgy render of the Galaxy S III. While it’s been widely accepted as a fake now, the calendar widget on the screen of this leak showed the date of 22nd May, with a note to say this date would hold the Samsung Unpacked event for the Galaxy S III.

We don’t think the Galaxy S III will be launching this Friday, unless of course Samsung has decided to pull out all the stops to move the date much further forward to compete with the likes of the HTC One X and One S. We think the launch will be for the Galaxy Note 10.1.

UPDATE: Several people have now discovered what will happen at the Phones 4u store on the 30th March, and unfortunately it’s not the launch of the Galaxy S III, nor the Galaxy Note 10.1. It’s something far less exciting we’re afraid: the store is currently undergoing a refurbishment and will simply re-open on 30th March. Why the Samsung logos? The first floor of the store will contain a large Samsung area with plenty of the Korean manufacturer’s tech on display. Phones 4u has done the same thing, albeit with BlackBerry, at another of its London stores on Tottenham Court Road.

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Via: PocketNow