Image Credit: Pocket Lint

PlayStation are getting behind men’s health this November, for charity event Movember, which you may remember encourages men to grow out their upper lip hair in the fight against prostate cancer. It’s not a campaign for the faint of hearted, as the embarrassment of not achieving a moustache of merit can be a blow to the masculinity of some.

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PlayStation are behind the hairy campaign 100% of the way, offering a few cool prize draws for UK participants, as well as the pictured ‘Mo Glow’ limited edition moustache sticker for your controller’s backlight, available from ‘selected retailers’, according to the Playstation Blog. It’s a vinyl sticker, so expect it to (hopefully) last all of Movember.

Music Unlimited, Sony’s music service on the Playstation, will feature a special Movember playlist, with some of the most popular song from some of the most powerful moustaches and the musicians attached to them. We’re thinking possibly something by Queen’s Freddie Mercury, perhaps The Beatles (from a later era), Jimi Hendrix, or even ZZ Top, although they are more of a beard band…

Characters from popular Sony and Playstation titles are expected to ‘mo-up’ for Movember, with Sony promising that player favourites Sackboy, iota, Delsin and Ellie will appear as we’ve never seen them before, presumably with some face furniture to give the old twirl.

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Sir Galahad, a character from The Order 1886, has also joined Movember, promising to shave down his moustache for the duration of the month. Sony hasn’t said whether Galahad’s thick tache will return gradually or grow in real-time, but if the hairiness of Sir Galahad is anything to go by, that thing should be back in two, maybe three weeks at the most.

Sir Galahad’s moustache is a force to re reckoned with.

Sony’s also got a whole host of prize draws on, open to those who manage to get a small amount in donation money. Net Movember’s cause just £25 and UK residents can expect to be put in a Movember prize pool to win Sony consoles and games.

Find out more below at the source link to the Playstation blog, you can also check out at the link below.

Source: Playstation Blog

Source: Movember UK Official Site