Pocket Projection – sProjector

In this day and age we need screens, screens of all sizes and types for phones, films, games etc. Silverstar have come up with the perfect device – The sProjector allows you to take your large HD screen anywhere you like and best of all, it will fit in your pocket.

Designed with a sleek and stylish look, the flexible and compact new model also has a potential for use in the corporate, retail and education markets.

The sProjector offers 1920×1080 / 1000 lumens projection and has multiple features for portable usage. Weighing in at only 150g and protected by its own carrying case, the device uses an energy efficient design and provides features that should lower the cost of operation – auto lamp dimming, auto brightness adjustment and up to 15000 hours of lamp life which I presume is replaceable also.

Recently launched on Indiegogo, the sProjector quickly flew past its crowd-funding goal and is capable of projecting a screen measuring up to 180 inches across with a 1080p resolution. It has a 5-hour battery and is fan-less due to using SSD.

The most exciting part of this device is probably the software it has been installed with. The device runs a modded version of Android Lollipop with Google Play support. What this means is that you can pretty much download almost any app onto it and project said app onto the wall. The possible apps include streaming services like Netflix, HBO, Hulu, Twitch and YouTube.

There are a few physical navigation buttons included in the design and it can also connect wirelessly to a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, plus it comes with its own remote control.

The company has said that it has a working prototype, and they are still improving the design so it actually looks like the polished renders featured on Indiegogo.

You can pre-order the sProjector now for $190. The company says it should be ready to ship as soon as next month, though it’s possible some unexpected issue could end up delaying the actual release.
Indiegogo – sProjector