Lovefilm app for PS3 gets 2.0 update with new features and speed improvements

Subscribers to the Lovefilm rental and streaming service who also own the Sony PS3 console will want to check out the dedicated LoveFilm app tonight as Amazon (the company who owns Lovefilm) and Sony have released a new 2.0 update which will bring a host of new features and improvements.

The PS3 app will now allow users to watch films and TV in HD quality for the first time on the console, provided the console is connected to a HDTV via HDMI of course.

The update comes as part of a larger roll-out for Lovefilm where all of its applications will eventually get the new interface. Eventually 2.0 will be on all devices including the Wii U, iPad and Xbox 360.

The update will also include a new improved search engine and recommendation service plus an easy to access ‘last viewed’ section which will allow you to pick up where you left off when you are watching something in bulk – so you can just pick up that next episode of one of the 14 new Amazon Studio Pilots that will be airing soon.

Additionally there is a ‘Watchlist’ feature where you can create a playlist of content (TV, Film or Box sets), and similarly to the postal service, your content will be delivered to you in a constant stream of entertainment.

With Amazon putting in a lot of effort at the moment with regards to original content for its streaming services in the US and UK, the changes will hopefully improve how we watch and use the in built application.

Darren Bignell, senior communications manager for Lovefilm, states “Since the PS3 was one of the first devices to run LOVEFiLM Instant, it’s fair to say that a freshen-up was due. And, happily, this is more than just a facelift. The app’s functionality has been rebuilt, so it’s an under-(inter)-face lift too,”

“it looks better, it plays better, it (hopefully) makes your PS3 streaming experience better all round.”

The update will be a big change to people used to using the service but with the new look and improved features it’s a change we are willing to take.