YouTube spoofsters make Jay-Z inspired rap tribute to Steve Jobs!

Internet spoof and viral video site Seedwell have made a very amusing hip-hop tribute to recently resigned Apple Co-Founder, CEO and Chairman Steve Jobs.

Borrowing from Jay-Z’s retirement anthem “What More Can I Say” – the song is titled “We Are All Steve” and features numerous Steve-like spectacled lip-synchers (and one Kermit the Frog) mouthing along to a Weird Al Yankovic style.


The cover version of the popular rapper and Beyonce baby-daddy’s tune in the parody details Jobs’ rise and creation of iPhone, iPad and iPod – bringing some bragadious claims to the beats, and mentioning his religion-like tech-cred with ‘dope’ lyrics such as “I wear grey sneakers. I make features, you stay eager” and “They can’t shut up Jobs. Shut down I, not even God”.

For those who want to join in the rap-a-long fun, the video’s creators have kindly included on-screen lyrics which are, of course, in the familiar Apple font (Myriad Pro Semibold – for those interested!)

It’s not the first time Apple have been ‘got’ by Seedwell. The Creative Design Studio is behind a number of well-made spoofs of popular culture and tech news and “We Are All Steve” follows popular YouTube hit “Tweet It” – a spoof of Michael Jackson’s classic “Beat It” featuring rivals gangs packing iPhones and iPads. Watch it – here!

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