The Last Of Us Remastered Comes to PS4 With Free DLC

When The Last of Us, a worthy addition to the survival horror shooter bracket (not all horror games have guns), was released for the Playstation 3 it got a lot of people excited. Here was a decent apocalyptic shooter which managed to involve itself with zombies without being too cliché, regardless of obvious similarities to Left 4 Dead and Resident Evil 5. That being said, the game is a graphical masterpiece, plus is one of the only, if not the one and only, media offering where the zombies are fungus-based.

See also: Sam ‘Evil Dead’ Raimi to Produce ‘The Last of Us’ Movie

Building on the game’s success Naughty Dog have announced a port to the new Playstation 4, proving once and for all that good games never die. The game is set to include graphical overhauls, such as higher definition textures and a more realistic lighting system. The game, titled The Last Of Us Remastered, also includes all of the DLC content from the original, which has been given the same upgrades to bring it up to speed. Here is a complete list of features. More will be revealed as the game gets closer to being released.

The Last of Us for PS4 includes these feature, no matter how you buy it or which version you get:

  • Runs in 1080p
  • Has higher resolution character models, improved shadows and lighting, and upgraded textures
  • Has director’s commentary featuring creative director Neil Druckmann, as well as voice actors Troy Baker (Joel) and Ashley Johnson (Ellie)
  • Includes expansions Left Behind (single-player) and the Abandoned Territories and Reclaimed Territories expansions

Preordering the PS4 version of The Last of Us includes these bonuses:

  •  100 Supply Points (XP) for use in Factions mode
  • Two special bonus skins for Joel and Ellie which will be unlocked after your complete the single player campaign
  • Increased Crafting Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
  • Increased Healing Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
  • 9mm Reload Speed Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign
  • Rifle Clip Capacity Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign

If you preorder a digital copy of The Last of Us for PS4 from the PlayStation Store, you’ll also get these early access features for use in multiplayer:

  • Early Access to the Brawler Survival Skill in Factions Mode
  • Early Access to additional Loadout Points for use in Factions mode
  • Early Access to the Jeep Cap and Surgical Mask for use in Factions mode

More details on additional content to follow, the game is scheduled for the summer game release period. Watch this space.
