If you’re planning to pick up and shiny new iPad on Friday you will need to choose wisely as reports are suggesting that Retina Display apps are up to three times the size of their previous iterations.

Now it won’t be much of a problem if you download games like Angry Birds – as they aren’t that big to begin with – but what about triple A titles like Fifa?

According the Vietnamese site Tinhte, who have have been trying out some of the Retina-compatible apps, they have noted that some apps are more than 3 times the size of there original counterparts.

For example the new Keynote application is up from 115MB to 327MB, while Numbers has more than doubled in size from 109MB to 283MB.

Some of the worst offenders so far are Pages, which has tripled in size from 95MB to 269MB, and iMovie is up from a humble 70MB to 404MB.

On the face of it, it would appear that the extra pixels provided from the amazing Retina display are to blame, and it’s thought it’s going to be same story across thousands of apps once they make the jump to Retina compatibility.

What this means for consumers is that the entry-level 16GB iPad is going to be filled up a lot quicker than before – meaning you should choose wisely when you buy one – as once you’ve chosen a 16GB version you can’t increase the memory like you can with an Android tablet.

Another issue to consider is how long it will take to download apps – at the moment FIFA 12 is 1.06GB – meaning games in the future could be massive, and will obviously take quite some time to download.

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