Samsung to make 10-inch iPad 3-beating Nexus tablet, say industry sources

Following on from the success of the Nexus 7 Android tablet from Google and Asus, early reports are pointing towards Google teaming up with another manufacturer to launch a larger 10-inch tablet to rival Apple’s new iPad.

Richard Shim, a technology analyst at NPD DisplaySearch, claims to have the insider knowledge on Google’s plans going forward in the tablet market. Speaking to CNET UK he spoke of a new tablet that’s supposedly in the works from the Mountain View company:

“It’s going to be a high-end device. They’ll partner with Samsung and co-brand it with Samsung.”

Google has teamed up with Samsung in the past to create the Nexus S and subsequently the Galaxy Nexus smartphones, which launched Android Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich updates respectively. It used ASUS for its first Nexus tablet, the Nexus 7, presumably off the back of their excellent and very popular Transformer series of tablets. Now it looks as though Google wants to pair up with Samsung, and that’s likely to be for the Korean manufacturer’s expertise in displays.

Mr Shim claims that the 10-inch Nexus tablet will boast n incredibly sharp high resolution screen – 2560 x 1600 pixels with a pixel density of 299 pixels per inch, he reckons. If true, Google’s new product could outshine Apple’s class-leading Retina Display from the new iPad, which rocks a resolution of 1536 x 2045 pixels, with a density of 264ppi.

Google’s next big move is expected to be a new Nexus smartphone to launch a new version of Android, which many sources have claimed to be coming in the next month or less. There’s also rumoured to be new colours and storage sizes for the current Nexus 7 tablet on the way. A 10-inch Nexus tablet seems a long way off, and of course everything could change by then. Mr Shim’s thoughts are merely predictions, which he is basing on “supply chain indications”, which likely means that Samsung is producing, or could be producing in the near future, screen panels of that quality.

We’re all for something to give Apple a run for their money. What do you want from a 10-inch Nexus tablet?

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