Samsung Planning Facebook-Style Social Network on Galaxy Smartphones, Smart TVs & Digital Cameras?

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Hoping not to follow in the shaky footsteps of the most recent social non-event Google+, Samsung may be in the process of delivering its own friendly network to a range of internet connected gadgets including smartphones and smart TVs. It may also extend to digital cameras with social sharing and instant picture uploads.

An “insider source” hit up the Korea Times to share the news, which also suggests that Samsung’s future social experience will utilise Amazon’s cloud internet platform and benefit from the South Korean’s existing Family Story photo uploading software.

It’s expected to go live early next year, coming up against Google’s effort which launched with much hype almost 12 months ago, with everybody clambering for an invite to the exclusive social party. Like many others we soon returned to the familiarity of Facebook (that is until it introduced the much criticised timeline) which continues its consumption of our lives with a Galactus-like appetite.

Samsung will look to build on the recent successes of its Galaxy smartphone range, with the Galaxy Nexus launching alongside the latest Android update 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, the top-selling Galaxy SIII and the Galaxy Note, which as a cross between smartphone and tablet and a perfect platform for big screen browsing and social web use. Not ashamed to admit comparisons to the world’s social network leader, it’s believed, internally at least, that the new project is referred to as “Samsung Facebook”.

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