Samsung Galaxy Nexus unlocked and PAYG price speculated on Twitter

The Ice Cream Sandwich flavoured Samsung Galaxy Nexus arrives in the UK on November 17th, this much we knew, but any confirmed idea of its pricing was still far far away. A Twitter source has today suggested that the cost of owning the upcoming collaboration of Google software and Samsung mobile tech away from contract will not be gentle. We hope you’re sitting down..

Paul O’ Brien of MoDaCo – a fellow tech site – tweets that the asking price for a network ambiguous gadget from UK retailer Phones4U will set wannabe owners back a whopping £549.99 for an unlocked Samsung Galaxy Nexus and  £529.99 plus £10 mandatory top-up for the must-have mobile on Pay As You Go. These prices raise the earlier estimated prices from rival retailers Amazon and Clove who had suggested the handset would come in at under £520 – still pricey but a few quid saved makes all the difference, and if we’re to believe the blogger’s predictions we’re now looking closer to the £550 mark.

But the hefty fee is not short of its rewards – The Samsung Galaxy Nexus comes riding in on a 1.2GHz dual-core CPU with 1GB of RAM and 16GB storage. There’s also that generous 4.65” screen packing super-sharp AMOLED display at a high-def 1280×720 resolution with 5-megapixel HD camera for recording HD video at 1080p. And, of course, the freshest taste of Android – the Ice Cream Sandwich OS from Google. We ask our readers – is it worth more than its weight in gold?

We also await to hear which networks this expensive stocking stuffer will be touching down on and price plans for contracts, but following successes of the Samsung Galaxy SII and its variants, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus looks set to be one of this Christmas season’s top toys for tech-heads – even trumping Apple’s iPhone 4S.

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