Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Update Pulls Up in Poland

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean has today been making its anticipated first appearance on Samsung’s super-smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S3. But before you grab your phone in hope of a taste of that sweet new update, this one is (for the moment) only available in Poland and a few other select locations.

Having the update arrive in the central European countries (extending to include Serbia and Croatia) should give us some indication that the latest and greatest Android software is officially heading to our handsets very soon, and with the Poland push Samsung has announced that 4.1 will gradually be introduced in ‘other markets’.

However, the mobile maker stays tight lipped about the specific wheres and whens, so we are only slightly wiser on the date for the UK Jelly Bean fix on Samsung’s stunning S3.

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean made its first appearance launching alongside the ASUS-made Google Nexus 7 tablet in July and promises to deliver a smoother user interface, expandable notifications and solutions for screen brightness and Wi-Fi issues as well as a number of other notable improvements for the Samsung quad-core flagship, which was released in May with the current standard, Android 4.0.

The Gadget Helpline will of course be following the latest news on the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean roll out and its impact on the incredibly popular Samsung Galaxy S3.

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