Samsung Galaxy S4 sold out – Pre-Orders and new stock delayed

Samsung launched its latest flagship Android smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S4, last week on the 26th of April and with just 3 days passing since its release many people are still without the handset despite pre-ordering or attempting to purchase on the day.

The S4 has already been delayed with customers who are looking for the handset having to wait a further week for stock of the phone due to an “unprecedented demand”.

The delay in stock will affect customers all across the board, including network supplied S4’s and SIM-free devices, with retailers of the latter now seeing stocking dates put back a week to around the 3rd of May.

Samsung has added that it is working hard to ensure that pre-orders and sales across all channels are fulfilled as soon as possible, but with the demand only escalating due to lack of stock, Samsung and the UK networks could expect a serious amount of backlash.

We have had hands on time with the S4 and can see why the handset is so popular but with pre-orders and interest being high since the smartphone’s announcement it’s hard to see how just a few days after release Samsung has not provided enough handsets to meet the demand.

You can see all the information on the Galaxy S4 here in our Instant Expert blog or check out our exclusive hands on photos.

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