Tech website GDGT reports that Amazon are in the process of developing an Android tablet to bring to the ever-growing market. What’s more, they are employing Samsung to make the device for them.
Peter Rojas of GDGT states “It’s something of an open secret that Amazon is working on an Android tablet and I am 99 percent certain they are having Samsung build one for them”.
With Amazon already being a leader in the eBook market with the popular Kindle brand, and recently moving into cloud-based music and app markets, Amazon could become a serious contender in the tablet market. They have everything in place to offer a really unique and powerful service along with an Android tablet, whereas other manufacturers simply provide a standard Android tablet.
Obviously this one will be filed under rumour and/or speculation for now, but an Amazon branded tablet certainly wouldn’t be unexpected we feel. Keep your eyes peeled here!
Via: Engadget