SEGA celebrate 20 Years of Sonic with free demo of Sonic Generations for Xbox 360 & Playstation 3 – Plus 50% off digital back catalogue

Gaming icon Sonic is 20 years old today! And following up from our retrospective article looking at the formative years of the Sonic the Hedgehog saga, we’ve just discovered SEGA are celebrating by giving us an advanced look at new title Sonic Generations – months before blast off!

The demo for the latest instalment of the Sonic series is up grabs on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 from today. The newest title let’s you play as the old school look Hedgehog in a classic side-scroller, or the modern slicker speedster in a third-person three-dimensional format – playing stages old and new. This isn’t due for release until November – but SEGA’s gift to us on the birthday of their mascot is a chance to play Green Hill Zone just like back in the day on your Mega Drive but with today’s incredible graphics – available through the Playstation Network and Xbox LIVE right now!

Sonic the Hedgehog’s birthplace of Japan has gone full out with the official Sonic website too. An audio and visual spectacle awaits anyone who can translate the native language! Regardless, it’s worth a click around with the mouse as the site is stunning and SEGA has clearly gone out of their way to make this a special event for their little blue buddy!

SEGA USA in addition are generously offering 50% off the entire digital back catalogue of Sonic the Hedgehog titles for a limited time only in a 20th Anniversary Blowout Sale!

Those free demo’s of Sonic Generations are available until July 12th so strap on those red boots and race on over a grab yourself a little taste of the continuing Sonic Legacy.

Read all about the early years of Sonic the Hedgehog in our article celebrating 20 Years of SEGA’s gaming hero – HERE!

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