Sony launches New Year Giveaway with free PlayStation Mobile games

Sony is attempting to beat away the January blues by running a new year’s giveaway for its PlayStation Mobile Store in certain countries. The UK is included in this list, which will see Sony provide a completely free game every week for the next six weeks.

Sony will be offering the freebies starting from today and then every week following gamers will be able to log onto the PlayStation Mobile Store to get another free game!

To claim the tiles you will need either a PlayStation Vita or a PlayStation certified smartphone in order to have access to the store. This means that devices such as the Sony Xperia range of smartphones will get the free games, as well as Sony tablets and other mobile devices will also be eligible to the free games.

This week’s free game is Samurai Beatdown which Sony callsa colourful 2D rhythm action brawler in which you defend yourself by tapping in time to the music” – sounds fun and we will be downloading to get our beat tapping on.

If you haven’t heard of PlayStation mobile before then let’s refresh; the PS Mobile Store is a dedicated mobile gaming store from Sony that offers games exclusively for PlayStation certified devices and the Sony PS Vita handheld gaming console.

It’s full of mobile style games that are offered by Sony and it has games priced at a smaller price than full console titles.

However, PlayStation Mobile is currently only available in a small group of countries which includes Japan, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Spain and Australia.

So, if you have a Sony Tablet or Android phone or a Vita  then get onto the Store to download and install the PlayStation Mobile app to get your free games.