Sony “Michael” advert gives tribute to gamers – New Playstation campaign explodes on social net

Blowing up over the social internet right now is Sony’s latest ad campaign – which is more than just an ad campaign. It’s a beautiful and rewarding tribute to the gamer, which features many of the Playstation platform’s iconic characters. The Epic 2-minute clip entitled “Michael” has swept across Facebook, shared by our gaming pals, and it’s been linked thousands of times on Twitter since it’s first appearance on the Sony Channel on YouTube just yesterday.

In the stylish, movie-like video two soldiers arrive at a stone building, paying the woman at a counter they hang their weapons and enter. Within we survey the setting. Numerous recognisable Playstation heroes are sharing their war stories – Nathan Drake of Unchartered, Cole McGrath from Infamous, Agent 47 of Hitman, Kratos from Gods of War, Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid and even Sack boy from Little Big Planet all make an appearance and familiar features from gameplay appear in the scene.

An American soldier tells his moving story of ‘Omaha’ – a throwback to Call of Duty 2 – as all the other characters come to silence and attentively listen to the man’s struggles to survive. “But one man broke through..” he declares – “Michael.

The crowd begin a chorus. Chanting the name, applauding who we’ve now discovered is “Michael” –a photo is raised of the gamer and a pan shot reveals hundreds more photos on the wall celebrating “Him” who not only played as these characters but helped all of them fight through their respective battles.

The advert brings chills to the most humble of gamers, as the clips ends with the message “Long Live Play”.

Truly breath-taking. Sony once again showing how well it knows the mind and emotion of it’s Playstation market.


Sony unveiled the packaging for its Next Generation Portable, the PS Vita, and announced the first apps which will be available when the handheld gaming gadget hits the UK in early 2012. Check out the Gadget Helpline’s article – Here.

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