Sony Posts 4th Awesome S1 and S2 Tablet Teaser Video

Sony has treated us to the fourth and possibly final teaser video for their forthcoming S1 and S2 Android Honeycomb tablets, posting the video to YouTube.

The fourth incarnation of the tablet teaser takes the same familiar, yet unquestionably cool, theme using the Rube Goldberg inspiration we saw in the other three. We’ve scoured the video for clues in the hope of finding some juicy tidbits of information, but alas Sony haven’t really given much away with this one.

We see the white figurine couple travel through the set, only passing the S1 and S2 tablet once or twice each. The main feature we can see in this video is DLNA playback – if you look closely you’ll see the view from the tablet beamed onto a Sony widescreen TV in the background.

The video ends with the phrase “Open Your Imagination” on the S1 tablet, perhaps this will be Sony’s slogan to accompany their first Android Tablets?

Despite the fourth teaser not telling us too much, we’re still incredibly excited to get our hands on the S1 and S2, which are expected to launch in September. Are you? Let us know what you think of the video via our Twitter Page.

Check out the previous teaser video here.