Sony shows off new PlayStation App screenshots

After promising an official PlayStation app to accompany the PS4 on iOS and Android devices, Sony has given us a sneak peek at what we can expect to see.

Aiming to keep the hype building ahead of the console’s launch in November of this year, the Japanese tech giant has shown off a range of screenshots, including one of the PlayStation App running on a generic Android-like phone.

The screenshot reveals what sort of things gamers will be able to do with the app, as well as what it might look like. Sony’s trademark PlayStation blue is used throughout for the app background, with simple white text laid over the top.

We know from the PlayStation event earlier this month that gamers will be able to use Android and iOS tablets and smartphones with a PlayStation app to both chat with their gamer buddies and watch them playing via a Wi-Fi or 3G connection. The screenshot demonstrates how things would look when streaming your own gameplay from the PS4 online for others to tune in to and watch.

The top half of the app displays your live game feed and even a video feed of you playing as a thumbnail in the bottom right corner, presumably recorded using the PlayStation Eye camera.

Below your stream you can view comments from your gamer buddies, allowing you to use your smartphone to chat away in between games. People can ask you how to complete levels, beat bosses and so on, which is pretty clever.

Of course, the image isn’t a live screenshot and could be one of Sony’s mock-ups, so the finished app may look different come November time when it’s hopefully available to download.