Sony XPERIA Go, U and Sola to get Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 update this week

Sony’s long and drawn out process to get its full Android smartphone range up to date with the Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 update is finally coming to a close, and as the latest Sony Xperia T handset is launched this week its siblings have been confirmed to get the ICS update too.

Sony has confirmed that the Sony Xperia U, Xperia Go and the Xperia Sola will all receive the update from Gingerbread 2.3 to the 4.0 software version this week, which pretty much brings the whole Sony/Sony Ericsson range of handsets up to the previous version of the Android OS.

As per usual, the announcement and roll-out will happen first (the middle of this week) for unlocked handsets and those who have a network branded versions will have to wait for the will of their networks until they get their handsets updated, which could be a while.

But Sony is not just bringing a standard OS update as they have also bundled in a few improvements such as an updated Walkman app, improved albums and movies media suites, plus the Xperia Sola gets a new “Glove Mode” which makes it easier to use the device while using gloves – perfect for the winter ahead.

With Gingerbread nearly snuffed out on the XPERIA handsets the next painful question is Jelly Bean – although we expect this to only hit Sony’s flagship phones.

Whilst Sony won’t have half as much of the issue it did with the ICS update due to a much smaller range of smartphones and from them learning from the mistakes of the ICS update, the company has still steered very clear away from the JB update so far.

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