Spotify to hit NYC for ‘What’s Next’ event – Moving towards movies?

Facebook’s pal Spotify will arrive in the Big Apple to unveil some big news in a ‘What’s Next for Spotify’ on November 30th with an event which many are suggesting will be the arrival of streaming movies to the online music platform.

Possibly in response to last week’s launch of Google Music, Spotify is looking to make an impression on its new US audience having launched recently after a lengthy tenure as a UK service. There’s much talk of a new direction from the streaming music company and with leading rival Apple iTunes and newbie Google Music nipping at its heels it’s been suggested that, despite the event promotion featuring popular music artists, the next logical step will be delivering a new form of media entertainment – namely film.

This would bring Spotify into another much-fought over market – which includes Netflix and LoveFilm (in the UK) at the top of the food chain. It’s a tough one to crack, with online movie streamers battling for rights to movies from the big distributors and not a week passes without news of one or the other grabbing a  new studio such as Miramax or Lionsgate. Trying to create a balance between music and movies could prove costly for Spotify (a music specialist) in the long run. The phrase “too much on your plate” comes to mind. But let’s not forget the advantage of having a potential audience of over 800-million on Facebook.

Spotify with movies is just a speculation, so we won’t rest our thoughts on it for too long. But it would prove an exciting new direction for the online streaming media service many of us already enjoy. Other uninspiring theories include a refreshed interface and an app for iPad.

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