Star Trek: TNG – Remastered on HD Blu-Ray in 2012 – Engage!

After being treated to the latest tweaking of the Star Wars Saga, it’d come as no surprise if all sci-fi fans would quickly reach for the closest laser-based weapon at any signs of yet another classic being re-interpreted through modern film-making techniques. But before tempers hit red alert, take a look at what Paramount has on offer for it’s Star Trek: The Next Generation remastered series on Blu-Ray.. On Screen!

Slowly, but surely, the series which revived Gene Roddenberry’s ground breaking visual voyage where no man (or no-one) has gone before will be released for 21st century Blu-Ray technology, and with cutting edge scanning gear the original 35mm film will be faithful recreated and cleaned up in modern high definition complimented by 7.1 DTS audio – Every phaser blast in crystal clarity.

Expect no hidden surprises, akin to the ‘Lucas Effect’ recently experienced by Force fans. For example, true Trekkers will be delighted to hear that Armus from the episode ‘Skin of Evil’ is still just a guy covered in an oily sheet.  And unlike George’s Saga and the original Trek series revival DVDs – which saw the old ‘two-tubes-and-a-plate-hanging-on-a-string’ Enterprise replaced with a CGI version with twinkling lights – this re-envisioning of the journeys of Captain Picard, Mister Data and co. will simply look a lot better, the ships will be a lot sharper and the Borg will benefit from glorious 1080p full HD.

Several popular episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, including the pilot, will be featured on a Blu-Ray sampler called ‘The Next Level’ to be released on January 31st 2012 – to deliver a taste of what’s to come when the full series goes to warp speed later in the year.

We can’t wait to check these out and challenge any self-respecting fan-boy not to buy them.. Resistance is Futile!

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