Stevie Wonder sings the praises of Steve Jobs during concert performance

In quite a different but noteworthy story, blind singing legend Stevie Wonder took the chance, mid-song, to applaud Steve Jobs, the former CEO of tech-co. Apple for his iPad and iPhone accessibility for those with disabilities during a recent live appearance in Los Angeles.

Stevie paused during the show to say a few words about making the world a more accessible place and asks the fans in attendance to thank Jobs for helping technology get to where it is today.

‘I want you to give a hand to someone that you know, who’s health is very bad at this time… his company took the challenge in making his technology accessible to everyone, in the spirit of caring and moving the world forward: Steve Jobs. Because there’s nothing on the iPhone and iPad that you can do that I can’t do’ said the singer.

Apple is known for making advances in its tech and software for those with a sensory disability. Inovative and useful features such as VoiceOver, screen magnification and access for the visually impaired. Apple’s commitment to accessibility also extends to those with cognitive and learning difficulties.

This is a class-act by one of the world’s top performers, to one of the world’s most influential tech personalities.

More can be read about Apple’s Commitment to Accessibility on the company’s website.

(Jump ahead to 4:35 for that dedication to Steve Jobs from Stevie Wonder.)

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