Tag: Hacked
Microsoft and Sony Talk DDOS Defences
Outages on both Microsoft’s Xbox Live and Sony’s PSN online gaming services proved to be a real pain to players, not to mention an embarrassing thorn in the side of the two companies. Whilst the hackers are still at large, the people over at Microsoft and Sony have both decided to put their heads together…
7 Million Hacked Dropbox Passwords up for Sale
Only yesterday we confirmed that a Dropbox glitch had wiped large amounts of data from their cloud based storage service. Today Dropbox finds itself having to deny it has been compromised as hackers leak hundreds of passwords online, promising to release almost 7 million more if they’re paid in Bitcoin for the information. However, Dropbox…
Intel HD Blu-ray Video Encryption Cracked
The copy protection method used on Blu-Ray discs was thought to be full proof. However, early last year the HDCP (High Definition Copy Protection) key was leaked. At the time Intel (who developed the copy protection) didn’t seem that bothered by the leak stating that anyone who would like to use or crack the master…