eBay has fallen victim to a hacking attack between late February and early March. The e-commerce giant said client identity information was stolen including emails, addresses and birthdays.

The news came courtesy of Reuters who said that, although financial or credit card information had had no evidence of unauthorised access, eBay have urged users to change their passwords as soon as possible.

The infringement was first discovered around 2 weeks ago. The attack was made possible through compromised employee accounts which enabled the hackers to access its corporate network; this was confirmed by the company in a statement on the attack.

Spokeswoman for eBay Kari Ramirez said stated: “For the time being, we cannot comment on the specific number of accounts impacted. However, we believe there may be a large number of accounts involved and we are asking all eBay users to change their passwords,”

No evidence was found of PayPal accounts being hacked but there was a noticed placed on its PayPal website urging users to change their passwords, but the statement was removed shortly after without explanation.

Regardless of financial information being stolen or not, it’s better to be safe than sorry. So change your passwords kids!